Starting with the view over to Doonreay reactor on our left, we set off towards John O Groats. Coming the other way were the many cyclists taking part in the ride accross Britain, they may be having to ride over 100miles a day, but they had it easy in one respect, all their kit was being carried in support vehicles! Not in panniers that make your bike almost too heavy to lift.

The wind at our backs again and over terrain that was not quite as hilly meant our average speed was noticeably higher today. And the wet weather forcast by the BBC failed to make an appearance in fact we enjoyed the warm glow of sunshine on our afternoon’s riding.
Cycling through Thurso we discovered that it claims the honour of being the birth place of the founder of the Boys Brigade.

A flyer I’d spotted at the previous day’s B&B led us to “The Tea cosy” for our lunch, just 500m off the main road, we enjoyed coffee and tea in traditional bone china cups. They’re even on Facebook!

Arriving at John O Groats we took the obligatory photo by the sign post, before setting off to what is actually the point further North East, Duncansby Head.

Cycling back down the East coat to Wick the landscape started to change, rather than wild moorland we actually had fields of barley on either side of us at one point.

And so we arrived at Wick, our B&B, “The Bank”, we discovered was aptly named, it’s located above the Clydesdale bank! Very much a family run B&B, their toddler daughter tried to open the door for us before her dad could get there.

Photos are on Flickr.

Ride Stats

Started: 12 Jun 2010 09:45:15
Ride Time: 4:26:11
Stopped Time: 2:13:34
Distance: 51.36 miles
Average: 11.58 miles/hr
Fastest Speed: 35.66 miles/hr
Climb: 1473 feet